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Should wisdom teeth be pulled out?

Should wisdom teeth be pulled out?
As human food becomes more and more refined, the jaw gradually degenerates and shrinks, resulting in the length of the dentition and jaw is not coordinated. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in the dentition, more than 18-25 years old. Due to the insufficient location of eruption, the wisdom teeth may erupt incompletely and become ectopic or impacted. The crown of the teeth is partly exposed outside the gum and partly covered by the gum. There is a narrow and deep blind bag between the gingiva and the teeth, which is easy to accumulate food debris and bacteria, and it is difficult to clean the teeth by brushing and gargling; In addition, the crown gum is easy to be damaged by chewing food, forming ulcer. When the systemic resistance decreases and the bacterial virulence increases, it can cause inflammation of the tissue around the crown.
Clinical manifestations: pericoronitis of wisdom teeth often occurs in adolescents aged 18-25 years old. It is common in the mandible, and can be divided into acute and chronic. Clinically, it often appears in the form of acute inflammation. In the early stage of acute inflammation, the patient only felt slight pain and discomfort in the affected area, and the pain aggravated when chewing, swallowing and opening. If the disease continues to develop, local pain may be spontaneous, and can be released to the ipsilateral head and face. When inflammation invades masticatory muscles, it can cause different degrees of mouth limitation. The examination showed that the gingival flap was red, swollen and erosive, with obvious tenderness, and pus overflowed when the gingival pocket was compressed. The whole body can appear different degrees of chills, fever, headache, constipation and other symptoms. Chronic pericoronitis of wisdom teeth has no obvious clinical symptoms, only mild tenderness and discomfort. When the resistance decreases, it often leads to acute attack. Acute pericoronitis is further aggravated, which may cause infection of adjacent tissues and organs or fascia space.
Examination: incomplete eruption of mandibular third molar, covered by gingival flap and formation of blind pocket. The soft tissue around the crown was red and swollen, the edge of gingival flap was eroded, and there was purulent secretion in the blind bag. Sometimes it can form Pericoronal abscess, maxillofacial swelling, ipsilateral submandibular lymphadenopathy, tenderness.
1. Systemic treatment: choose antibiotics according to the condition.
2. Local treatment: local treatment of pericoronitis of great importance. 1% ~ 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, normal saline or other sterilization solution can be used to wash the blind bag every day, and then 3% iodine glycerin can be added. In addition, gargle with mouthwash, etc. many times a day. If pus cavity is formed, incision and drainage are needed.
3. Tooth treatment: after the acute inflammation subsides, the diseased teeth should be extracted to prevent recurrence. Therefore, it is better to remove wisdom teeth.