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Orthodontic appliance
Time   2021-7-20
  1. Details

Orthodontic appliance is a device for the treatment of malocclusion, or orthodontic appliance. In order to promote the normal growth and development of teeth and maxillofacial region, the force produced by other departments, or by the functional force of masticatory muscles and perioral muscles, can be used to correct the abnormal frontal bone and dislocated teeth.
Product category:
Frank appliance: Patients with mild skeletal deformity, maxillary hypoplasia, normal or mild mandibular protrusion caused by muscle dysfunction, bad habits, jaw interference and other factors.
Pendulum appliance: it is suitable for patients with crowding dental arch. It can expand dental arch and push the molars to move to the far side.
Extraoral arch appliance: its main functions are to strengthen anchorage (prevent molars from moving near), push molars to the distal, lower molars, expand or narrow dental arch, etc. Extraoral arch is most commonly used in patients with maxillary protrusion deformity, which is characterized by the inclination of the upper anterior teeth and the exposure of the upper lip.

Arch expander is a kind of tool to enlarge dental arch. In order to enlarge the width and length of the upper and lower dental arch, the expansion spiral spring was placed in the appropriate position, the expansion device was opened through the rotating spiral hole, and the treatment was transferred to the teeth and alveolar bone through the sustenance.
Product category:
Three way arch expander: the arch expander belongs to the movable appliance, which is mainly used to push the anterior teeth 3 ~ 3 to the labial side, and expand the arch of the posterior teeth at the same time, so as to correct the anterior teeth
And the retrognathia of the posterior teeth.
Parallel expander: bilateral or unilateral narrowing of maxillary and mandibular arch, inclination of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, shortening of anterior segment of mandibular arch caused by crowding or congenital absence of incisors,
The length of dental arch was shortened due to the forward movement of molars.
Rapid arch device: rapid expansion of dental arch to the labial side, so as to improve dental arch stenosis. At the same time, it has traction function.

Retainer is a measure to consolidate the curative effect of orthodontic treatment and keep the teeth in the ideal aesthetic and functional position. It is called retention, and the one worn at this time is called retainer. After orthodontic treatment and removal of the appliance, because the tooth is not stable in the new position, it is often necessary to wear a retainer to maintain the new position of the alveolar bone, waiting for the reconstruction of the alveolar bone.
Product category:
Halley's retainer: in order to maintain the clinical effect of orthodontic treatment, it can be worn after the treatment to make a small amount of movement, or close a small amount of anterior teeth space by adjusting the labial arch.
Invisible holder: because of its transparent material and thin thickness, it is also beautiful and comfortable. It is suitable for patients with high requirements for beauty and comfort.
Encircling retainer: it is suitable for orthodontic cases with tooth extraction, and the effect is more ideal. It is also suitable for patients with tight upper and lower jaw occlusion, and can effectively avoid occlusal interference.